How we increased sign up rate by 56%

How we increased sign up rate by 56%

UX/UI Design‎ Website Design
How we increased sign up rate by 56%

Project overview

N8 Solutions aims to launch its online presence with a responsive mobile-first design.

N8 Solutions is a leadership coaching, consulting, and recruiting startup with the goal of delivering value quickly to potential clients.

Goal - Display services in a simple, clean, and cohesive format to convert visitors to subscribers by providing added value to their personal health journey.

Delivered - The end result is two funnels leading visitors to become subscribers in as little as 2 clicks in exchange for a free health resource delivered in their email inbox.

Project challenge

N8 Solutions is a startup with zero online presence. Developing of a website is a high value for the legitimacy of the company, but in order to build an audience there has to be subscribers to their email campaigns. The questions at hand:

1. Why would site visitors give their information to N8 Solutions?

2. How can we lead visitors to become subscribers?

Project results

The design of this project solved my client’s needs by providing two clear funnels to create conversations and subscribers. The end result was built on Squarespace to give my client the ability to easily make changes as needed in the future. My client is pleased with the result of this project and is now promoting their site on their social channels as well as gaining organic clicks via search engines.

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